Sunday, November 7, 2010


The article by Thomas Frank was very interesting. One area that interested me was when he walked about how capitalism was trying to repress pleasure (35). He compares this fact to musicians like the Beatles and Bob Dylan and their association with counterculture and the rebellious nature that constructed the time periods they were both performing in. This constructed the counter culture nature of sixties and seventies. This "movement" broke boundaries, getting past the sexually repressive and conservative lifestyle that the fifties featured.

Companies started "changing" as the article pointed out. Companies like Burger King, Levis, and Toyota had their mottos made to reflect the culture of the time. I think that the whole era of rebellion is very interesting and a critical step for our understanding of culture of today and of the past. There are many political, social, and economic reasons behind the repressive nature before the era of rebellion.

One major event that fueled rebellion in the late sixties/early seventies was the Vietnam war. People rebelled through protests, music, drugs, and general anti government behavior. I think the time of major rebellion has past due to historical differences between the past and present. However, there are still many groups and people who rebell in today's world.

Here is an image regarding counterculture/rebellion that I believe fits well with the article. (click on it to read)

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