Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Reality TV: Teen Moms

Teen Mom is a reality TV show that tracks four young women as they struggle to raise their children. Most of the girls became pregnant at age 16. In addition to dealing with the stress of providing and caring for a baby, these girls deal with relationship issues and problems at home. This episode is the season 2 finale, in which Dr. Drew recaps the season and discusses the most pressing issues with the four moms. Ferrah was physically abused by her mom, became self-sufficient, and moved out. Additionally, Ferrah is coping with the death of her boyfriend, who was her daughter Sophia’s father. Maci has taken her child, Bently, away from his father, Ryan, and moved to another city. Ryan then said he would take the issue to court. Catelynn and Tyler gave their baby up for adoption. This choice completely ruined Catelynn’s relationship with her mother, who wanted her to keep the baby. The couple was engaged but Tyler temporarily called it off upon finding out that Catelynn slept with her ex. Amber, the fourth and final mom on the show, also had many problems. She became violent towards her boyfriend, and hit him repeatedly in front of their child. She was diagnosed with depression and anxiety. She has no motivation or energy to finish school.
This reality TV show has changed the way I think about myself. I’ve always known that I was lucky to come from a home that was relatively problem free. However, this show makes me realize that I’ve still taken things for granted. Beside the fact that I don’t have the responsibility for raising a child as a teenager, I also don’t have to worry about my relationships with my family. I know my parents would support me no matter what. I also don’t have to deal with the abuse, both verbal and physical, that the people in this show tolerate. Finally, I’m lucky that my parents financially support me, as at least one of the girls on this show is financially self-sufficient. Overall, I feel like a more privileged individual after viewing this episode.

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