Sunday, November 14, 2010

Here we go.

The article by Jean Baudrillard, Simulacra and Simulations, is a short but sweet look into the construction of what is "Real." Obviously, from all the blog posts and discussions in class, models usually look very unrealistic and photo shopped. Another area I think is interesting goes into dreams and how they are associated into modern cinema. Some films include The Matrix, Inception, and Vanilla Sky. They all have plots that go into that area. I think the most interesting is The Matrix.

In The Matrix, characters can be "plugged in" to an alternate reality that is similar to a dream state. Characters have enhanced physical attributes, but the most important thing I believe is the physical perfection they achieve. People plugged into the Matrix wear designer clothing and suits, have perfect hair, and of course, nice sunglasses.

That sort of goes into what people in real life want to achieve, they want to be part of this ever growing obstacle of achieving this perfect, but the only way to do that is, literally, in your dreams.

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