Sunday, November 14, 2010

Hyperreal Beauty

As Baudrillard explains hyperreal is the inability of consciousness to distinguish between fantasy and reality, especially in societies which are technologically advanced. Because technologies and the media have the ability to reshape what is real, the conscience may have trouble deciphering the original from the stretched or make believe. In particular, Baudrillard focuses on the idea that the world we live in has been by a “copy” world and that we seek is simulated and nothing more. This commercial for Dove Real Beauty is an example of hyperreality because this model does not exist in real life. Her image has been distorted and changed thus making her non-existent in this world rather the “copy” world. “It is the generation by models of a real without origin or reality: a hyperreal.” (145). In other words, the model’s appearance has been altered to look similar to all other models. “The real is produced from miniaturized units, from matrices, memory banks and command models - and with these it can be reproduced an indefinite number of times.” (146).

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