Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Comedic News and Entertainment

In Geoffrey Bayms article, "The Daily Show: Discursive Integration and the Reinvention of Political Journalism," he talks about how other sources of news are appearing. People seem to be more interested in watching a comedic form of news than the standard cable TV newscasts. He states that, "young people are turning towards another form of news and campaign information--late night television and comedy shows. The 2004 Pew survey found that 21% of people ages 18-29 say that they regularly learn news and politics from comedy shows such as Saturday Night Live, and 13% report learning from late-night talk shows such as NBC's Tonight Show with Jay Leno and CBS's Late Show with David Letterman." Jon Stewart considers his show as "fake news." What makes this pretty funny is that people tune into his show regularly, and it happens to be a huge influence with political communication. The Daily show is a form of entertainment that a younger generation tunes into regularly since it is on Comedy Central. The show has more of a liberal point of view, and when they talk about the Republicans, they do it in a comedic fashion. The article also explained that the Daily Show poses a threat to mainstream news media because it is more for entertainment.

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