Tuesday, November 30, 2010

We Need Conflict

In the conclusion the idea that society revolves around conflict is taken for granted and I agree with that idea. Some people may say that society looks to resolve conflict and is uncomfortable with tension, however, I think that society is built on conflict. While society does frown upon people who create conflict simply for entertainment purposes and while it does try to end conflict that has turned into physical violence; conflict is necessary for growth. If no one ever questioned the status-quo, nothing would ever change, and it is obvious that our society changes all the time.
It isn't necessary for people to be tasered like Andrew Meyer or for people to act violently or radically. Conflict can be small, it can be meaningful. I think the discussion that happens in our class is conflict because it is disrupting the way we look at the media, society, and ourselves.

I'm posting the video of Andrew Meyer - I had never seen it and here it is in case you haven't!

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