Thursday, October 14, 2010

African American Sitcoms

Robert R. Means Coleman’s article, Black Sitcom Portrayals, he talks about the different ways that African American people are portrayed in particular television shows.  Throughout the article, he interviews different people or actresses/actors from different shows. 

I found a lot of the article interesting.  I obviously am aware of certain prejudices that Black people face from day to day, but when I think about the way that certain African American people are portrayed in television shows it kind of makes me confused why and how they do this and what race the particular director of the show may be.  I found myself during the article thinking if this director was white and making these black actors degrade themselves or dumb them down, does that make him a racist? If this director is black as well, isn’t he just making the stereotypes that are created already, worse?  

In specific to these questions, I found the part of the article that discussed the Fresh Prince of Belair interesting.  I haven’t watched this show in sometime now and I find it interesting that they talk about how J.C Cartlon is seen as the “good kid” because he has such good behavior and honesty, qualities that he says are uncommon in depictions of young Black males (81). I never thought about Will being sort of a charity case that he is described in this article, but it makes sense that he is portrayed as the typical black male who needs a place to stay, and just happens to have wealthy black relatives.  

Most of the series that are discussed in this article display wealth in the Black families.  In the Cosby Show, I never noticed how much of a stretch their lives are.  How they contradict the standards that have been set by society, by having a Black lawyer and Black surgeon as the parents of 3 beautiful, intelligent children.   

In discussion with how most of the sitcom stars appear to have lighter skin is another topic that I found interest in.  I have noticed that even today, society has accepted and even thought more beautiful or highly of Black people with lighter skin.  

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