Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Changing Media Industry

In the article, The New Media Giants written by David Croteau and William Hoynes talks about how the TV industry has changed throughout the years through bigger corporations buying out smaller ones and even how technology has changed the industry. New technology is one of the key elements facilitating industry changes (29). When CBS and Viacom merged there was only three national broadcast networks and by the end of the century there was six. Now TV wasn’t the only place for the media. Internet played a huge role in the media world. “Because of the apparently low cost of entry and virtually no-cost distribution, it was thought to be a way to level the playing field between large media conglomerates and smaller independent producers” (29). Now, with the Internet, everyone can essentially put his or her media and idea on the web. Although the Internet has changed the TV industry already, I believe that its going to change it to an ever greater extent. Today, you can essentially watch any TV show that you’re looking for or even the news live online. What will happen to the media industry if everything becomes online and you don’t need a TV?

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