Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Decline in Television

The article "The New Media Giants," dealt with the merger of CBS and Viacom. This merger was strictly for business reasons and made most of the programming that Viacom originally produced, a lot worse than it originally was. This merger along with many other company mergers I have seen, mostly always go down hill in terms of entertainment. The 20th century was known as the largest media growth of our time and is still growing today.

Today, television has almost run out of ideas. There are more reality television shows on air, than daytime dramas. As our society has been changing, we want more and more of these reality TV shows. Channels that did not originally have reality shows, now have started to broadcast these shows. For example MTV, and even FOX are now flooded with nighttime reality TV shows. It almost seems like more people tune into new episodes of Jersey Shore, instead of watching live sports. We seem to care more about what happens to Snooki or Ronnie next, than what is going on in the games of our sports teams. Its just pathetic how people like watching people do stupid things on TV, and getting paid for being dumb. But as America, we love this stuff, and we love to criticize these people for acting foolish on TV. As bad as it sounds, I do too like to criticize people while they are making a fool of themselves.

Instead of watching sports or sitcoms, people are more into watching American Idol or Dancing with the Stars every week. Its sad to say, that people that vote for the contestants on these shows, do not even go out and vote in the presidential election, nor know who is running. We as America care more about these types of media, than listening to important matters like politics. Media has completely shaped out culture in so many ways, and it will only continue too in our generation.

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