Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Political Technology Era

After reading the article Oppositional Politics and the Internet, I tried picturing my life without Google, blogs, or the Internet at all but I couldn’t. Today our world revolves and operates around the World Wide Web. I agree with many of the problems Kahn and Kellner see in this. But at the same time, I think about the Internet and how it’s only going to stay and increase in value. Though I do agree on the political unfairness that Google or other search engines create when choosing sites to be on the top of the search list. I don’t know how we can try to change this because of how much power Internet companies such as Google hold. In some ways the Internet is very resource and helpful but in other ways it’s a very scary tool. By just a click of a button websites or blogs can be created with inaccurate political or any other subject matter. I am interested in to see how the web will grow and change over a couple of years. In some ways I wonder what it would be like if I could have grown up in a different decade where everyone didn’t relay on the Internet or other technological advances like cell phones.

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