Sunday, October 17, 2010

More Nike More Problems

Wither we like it or not, Nike is a huge brand in the consumer world. Their trademarks check sign can be recognized by most and the brand that they have created is sought after by huge athletes and your every day person. Since the shoe company started, their sneakers were hot items that everyone wanted. I thought it was interesting to read about the sneaker wars in the article Nike, Social Responsibility, and the Hidden Abode. I feel that some of these things may still go on in inner city neighborhoods. But I don’t think any of the shoe manufacturers should be the blame. Nike has created many smart sneaker campaigns and choosing Michael Jordan as a major spokesperson and designer may be one of the reasons Nike has become so popular. Though I did find the information on the factory workers salaries and day pay to be very eye opening. This is just another problem our society faces. In this article it talked about Nike using African Americans to promote their products to gain more African American customers. Though I don't really believe this is necessary. In my opinion Nike is one of the only brands that all different types of groups and people wear. I have seen all races, athletes of all different sports, "skateboarders", "people who act like they skateboard", "surfers", "preppy kids", "hipsters", babies, adults and other groups all wear Nike sneakers and I don't think many other companies can say they have that wide a range of customers.

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