Tuesday, August 31, 2010

As Canadian As Possible

In the article “As Canadian As Possible,” Aniko Bodroghkozy proves to her readers how much of an influence American culture has on the media of other countries. There are numerous examples in her article that state how even though Canada tries to make it on its own in the media, somehow the media of America seeps in and becomes more popular. For example, a cultural commentator, Morris Wolfe, proclaimed that, “Much of the American television is about the American dream – the world as we wish it could be, a place in which goodness and reason prevail and things work out for the best. Much of Canadian television on the other hand, is about reality – the grey world as we actually find it” (567). To me, Canadians don’t only take American influence from the media, but from everyday life. I felt that this picture was suitable for my belief because it shows that Canada just ‘sits’ on top of the United States and is not known for much else… It is known as not having its’ own identity; it seems almost always connected with America.

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